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Get an overview of the consumption of hours on projects, if there are too many tasks, the right tasks, enough hours need to be invoiced or compensated. A reminder service is established is important that you easily entering a different number of. Easy and simple registration of offer can also be done along with two buttons:. Tidsregisgrering example, in case of. Time registration includes recording time following tasks, with minimal involvement.
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Mobil optimeret tidsregistrering i ProjectFlow 365Denne app kan anvendes til registrering af tid for firmamedarbejdere. Indbygget integration til Microsoft Dynamics Business Central. TimeGuru er dansk software til tidsregistrering af arbejdstid og ferie/frav?r. Tilfoj let moduler til kunder, projekter, korepenge, udl?g, lontill?g og meget. Tidsregistrering pa projekter, job eller sager, og dermed fa styr pa timer der skal faktureres eller aflonnes.